
Prepositions of time

Prepositions can also be used to show when something happened.

The prepositions at, on, and in
We use at for specific times.

For example:
I start work at 7.00 a.m.
I don't work at night.

We use on for specific days and dates.

For example:
My birthday is on Monday.
We're having a party on 7th September.

We also use on for some special days.

For example: On Christmas day.

We use in for nonspecific times during a day, a month, a season, or a year.

For example:
In summer it's too hot to work.
I started this web site in 1999.
She woke up in the night.

Prepositions of Time

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Daily routine


Thanksgiving - November 26, 2009.

If you ask someone "What is Thanksgiving," the answers you get will depend largely on whom you ask!

American Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. This year Thanksgiving will fall on Thursday November 26, 2009.

The custom of celebrating Thanksgiving, an annual celebration held after the harvest began around 1621 when the Pilgrims fulfilled a successful and bountiful harvest in the New World.

3 things you should know about Thanksgiving:

Thanksgiving was the only time the Europeans were actually given land by the Native Americans
It was only through the giving nature of the Native Americans that the Europeans survived
Enjoy the holiday, but remember the Native Americans at this time.

Click to find out about American Traditions

U Can't stuff this

You Can't Gobble Me

Happy Thanksgiving!

Interrogative and negative

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Interrogative Pronouns

An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun used in order to ask a question. Some of them refer only to people, like "who" and others refer to people and objects, etc like "what". They do not distinguish between singular and plural, so they only have one form. Interrogative pronouns produce information questions that require more than a "yes" or "no" answer.

For example:

What is her phone number?
What do you want?

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Frequency Adverbs

The most common frequency adverbs in English are:
Always...........100% of the time
Frequently.......about 90% of the time
Usually..........about 80% of the time
Often............about 70% of the time
Sometimes........about 50% of the time
Occasionally.....about 40% of the time
Seldom...........about 20% of the time
Rarely...........about 10% of the time
Never............about 00% of the time

Frequency adverbs can be placed at various points in the sentence,
but are most commonly used before the main verbs and after be verbs.

I always come to work on time.
They are seldom home when we call.
He's usually eating breakfast at this time.

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I’m A Believer

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Telling the time

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